Looking for work? We can help.
Our Y employment staff offer personalized support with your resume, assistance in determining and achieving certifications to work in Ontario’s skilled trades, tips for effective job searching, and help reviewing potential job-matching opportunities. You can even explore subsidized placements or apprenticeship options. Our services are open to all and there is no fee to participate.

Visit Y Employment Services Online
Get access to a free library of job search resources and courses to help you prepare and build your skills.

Free Workshops and Events
Learn more about resume and cover letter writing, get networking tips, participate in job fairs, and much more.

Free Personalized Consultation
Ready to get started with an online or in-person meeting with one of our employment experts?

Pre-Employment and Skills Training Programs
Our pre-employment and skills training services are designed to give you the information and/or skills you need to reach your career goals.

Your Job Story – Youth Employment Program
Your Job Story is a pre-employment and life skills program that helps support and guide marginalized youth to overcome barriers to employment or pursuing life goals.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact one of our YMCA Employment Access Centres.
Central Location
150 Isabella Street, Suite 201, Ottawa
West Location
1642 Merivale Road (Merivale Mall), 2nd Floor, Nepean
East Location
240 Centrum Boulevard, Unit 105, Orleans